The Town of Capraia

The Island of Capraia has just one intimate neat and little town made of a tourist port and of a town on a promontory that dominates the port. At first the Island was populated in an area so called “piano”, in the inner

part of the island, but people moved out to live where the actual town is now, back in year 1000. The reconstruction of the town, and later on of the port, was made after World War II around the 60’s, when the inhabitants abandoned the island and some “adventurous” people arrived on the island and began to rebuild over the existing ruins some private homes. Today, the town is nice and well kept, typical for its lanes and sloping little roads that go from Fort San Giorgio to the lighthouse of Punta Ferratone. Here, you can see neat apartments and shops. The port is now the centre of a small marina; it is a lively and cheerful place during summer time. It is linked to the town centre by a drive way, 800 mt long, or you can reach the town by walking through a panoramic road built during Napoleon times.

Palazzo Renzi La Vela

 Palazzo Renzi La Vela Dimora d'Epoca Via Genova, 46 - 57032
Isola di Capraia - Livorno

+39 0586 905098

+39 348 8672194

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About Us

Palazzo Renzi, dimora storica dell'Isola di Capraia, offre ospitalità fin dal 1980 .
Le soluzioni abitative, tutte con gli stessi standard ma diverse per  struttura e disposizione, ne fanno il luogo ideale per una vacanza unica ed indimenticabile.